Thursday, September 12, 2013

Can Pain Kill Pain?

Can Pain Kill Pain?

Dozens of needles being pricked on my body, won’t that be painful? Will those needles cause any bruising? Is there a chance of infection through needles? The painkillers are available but bring with them a variety of bothersome symptoms. Doctor has suggested acupuncture, as it is effective and adhering to the clinical guidelines. Yet there are these doubts? Is acupuncture really worth a try for chronic pain? Have you been in such a dilemma?
Chronic pain can impact every aspect of your life; interfering with daily activities, work productivity, social, and personal life. For someone who is searching for a solution to end the suffering due topain,a treatment option that includes yet another pain stimulation caused artificially can be fearful. According to a recent study, fear of pain can be a dominant factor in acupuncture-related fear. If so, then why is acupuncture so common? Why is it being recommended by some of the national clinical guidelines for pain relief?
Acupuncture, which originated in China, more than 2000 years ago, is now practiced worldwide. Acupuncture theory assumes that health is maintained by keeping the body in a ‘balanced state’. Any imbalance in the body, which may be caused by blocking the Qi(vital energy), can lead to disease.
In acupuncture, fine needles (32–36 gauge) are inserted into the body to stimulate some special points so as to maintain the physical, mental and spiritual balance. Acupuncture is thought to show its pain relieving effects based on several theories. According to one theory, effect of painful stimulus can be suppressed with another stimulant (pricking a needle). Another theory explains that acupuncture stimulates the production of chemicals, such as endorphin, serotonin, and acetylcholine, which relieve the pain.
kill pain
Drug therapy for pain involves use of acetaminophen (paracetamol) and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and is considered to be the mainstay of chronic pain treatment. The most important role of these drugs is to help facilitate functional restoration through analgesia (reduction of pain). However these drugs relieve pain at an expense of considerable adverse effects. The gastrointestinal side effects, such as dyspepsia, ulcers, and bleeding are seen very commonly with NSAIDs. Some drugs may also cause platelet inhibition, liver dysfunction, and dizziness. In rare cases, NSAIDs can affect your heart and rest of the circulatory system.
Clinical studies performed by experts worldwide, provide evidence that acupuncture is beneficial in relieving pain resulting from different conditions, such as arthritis, neck pain, back pain, menstrual cramps, and migraine, etc. (read for scientific evidence)The clinical guidelines issued by the American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians, suggest using acupuncture for the treatment of chronic low back pain when patients do not respond to conventional treatment.
Although the benefits of acupuncture are clear in many health conditions, a great number of patients are hesitant to receive acupuncture treatment. The fear of receiving acupuncture treatment could be due to needle phobia or occurrence of adverse events, such as bleeding, infection, etc. However, evidence suggests that serious adverse events occur rarely and skilled practitioner knows how to reduce these risks.
So, if the fear of pain from needle pricking or occurrence of other adverse effects is holding you from trying acupuncture, here is an answer to your doubts:
  • Acupuncture is technically an invasive procedure and the risks associated with this procedure are very rare
  • The procedure causes virtually no pain when performed by skilled acupuncturists
  • As per the report by the World Health Organization (WHO), there are approximately 10,000 trained acupuncturists in the US, including 3000 physicians
  • You may experience just a dull ache or a slight tingling feeling when the needle is inserted
  • The introduction of single-use disposable needles eliminates the risk of cross infection
  • Lying down during the procedures reduces the chance of needle shock reaction
In cases of chronic pain, when the conventional medicines seem ineffective, or has intolerable side effects, acupuncture done through skilled hands, undoubtedly appears to be a safer and effective treatment option.
Helping you chose the best treatment option
IControlMyHealth Editorial Team
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